Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Fun Love- “The 5 love languages”

Since my husband is a Marriage and Family Therapist, he knows a lot about relationships and the right steps to take to maintain them. We read a lot of marriage books; attend a lot of workshops and couple retreats. We get asked questions all the time, so I thought I would start sharing our experiences and information with you.

Joe and Tosha Clemens

Have you ever heard of the book, “The five love languages”? It is my favorite relationship book. I think because it personally affected me the most out of any book I have read. When Joe and I first got married, I noticed something was bothering me about our relationship but I couldn't put a finger on it. After reading the book, I realized that the issue was that we weren't fulfilling each other’s love language. Let me explain a little bit more about what this means….We all have a primary way that we want to receive love as well as how we give love. Sometimes the way you show it and the way you give it is the same and sometimes it is different.  For me, I enjoy showing love to my husband by physically touch, a kiss, a hug and holding hands. I like to receive love by him giving me words of affirmation. Example, him telling me he loves me. I need to hear the words, not assume that I should already know. Or in the beginning of our marriage, he would show me he loved me by doing things for me, “acts of service”.  Like, washing my car or taking out the trash. Don’t get me wrong, I love those things but those are just added bonuses, what I really need is him to tell me how he feels verbally.

If you feel like you would like to take your relationship to the next level and develop real intimacy then I would highly recommend reading this book.  To give you a better idea, you will learn about these 5 languages: words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, quality time and acts of service. After reading it, you will discover that we all need all of these in our relationship but one will stick out to you more than the others, and you will also discover the same for your spouse. Marriage can be a beautiful thing as long as we are willing to work for it! 

See below for the book and for more information see the website below:

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